Our Tokenomics at HOZE

Welcome to HOZE, where blockchain technology meets innovative financial strategies to benefit our token holders directly. Our tokenomics is structured to promote sustainable growth and equitable distribution. Here’s how it works:

1. Revenue Sharing Activation

Revenue sharing begins once our market cap reaches $300,000. This threshold ensures that the distributions are meaningful and sustainable. Token holders benefit from quarterly revenue distributions, based on the number of tokens held and the length of ownership, rewarding long-term investment and stability.

2. Holder Cap

To prevent any single investor from owning more than 3% of our total token supply, we enforce a strict cap. This policy is crucial for maintaining a democratic distribution and minimizing the risk of market manipulation.

3. Buyback and Burn Policy

Part of our profits will be used to buy back and permanently retire tokens from the circulation. This strategy not only reduces the overall supply, enhancing the value of remaining tokens but also helps stabilize the market cap, especially during volatile periods.

4. Lock-up Periods and Incentives

We implement lock-up periods for significant holdings, especially those approaching the 3% cap, with incentives designed for long-term holders. These measures are intended to reduce market volatility and reward our most dedicated stakeholders.

5. Transparency and Trust

At HOZE, we prioritize transparency. Regular audits and transparent communication are cornerstones of our operations, ensuring our community is well-informed and confident in our financial and operational health.

Join us at HOZE as we redefine the benefits of investing in blockchain technology. Together, we're crafting a future that rewards commitment and participation.